every light returns – sinister bodies of water (2020)
Garth Jackson
every light returns – sinister bodies of water Garth Jackson Canada digital 7 min 2020
Filmed on both sides of the US-Canadian border before the transition to our collective “new normal,” every light returns – sinister bodies of water takes its inspiration from the possibilities inherent in gritty monochromatic filmstock; the landscapes of Essex Country and rural Michigan; and the hypnotic score performed by local musician JAG. I pushed the digital format as far away from a “clean” image as I could, trying to reflect the ambient feeling in the audio composition. – Garth Jackson
Streaming Details
This film is available to stream globally.
Program Partners
This film is co-presented with the Art Gallery of Windsor and Windsor Endowment for the Arts.
Image credits: all artworks, stills, and portraits courtesy of the artist © Garth Jackson.
about the artist
Garth Jackson (Canada) is an artist and filmmaker born in Oakville, Ontario in 1974. Landscape figures prominently in his moving image and photographic practice. He received his BA in English Literature from the University of Toronto (2017) and studied video editing at The International Academy of Design and Technology (IADT). He has completed 25+ short films, music videos, and documentaries, including fiftywatthead (2014), Three Songs, In A Garden (2020), You Need Something to Slow You Down (2020), and Letters of Support (2020), which have been exhibited at venues including UK Motion Picture Film Fest, Boxcar Studios, Forest City Film Festival, Harvesting the FAM Festival, Club Thunderbolt, Capitol Theatre, and Artcite Inc., among others. He is twice the recipient of an Arts Culture and Heritage Fund grant from the City of Windsor. Jackson is founding Director of Troublelight Films, and is an independent film and television editor and field producer for numerous artists and networks, including MTV, Harbour House Records, Canadian Film Centre, and Astral Media. He lives and works in Windsor, Ontario.