For Christian
Artist: Luke Fowler
Country: Scotland
Format: 16mm
Duration: 7 min
Year: 2016
For Christian features short extracts from a longer interview which covered a variety
of Wolff’s compositional strategies from writing text scores for non-musicians to indeterminacy, cueing and his turn in the 1970s to writing pieces with a consciously progressive content. The film is bookended by two of his dedication pieces—one for Alvin Lucier and the other for David Tudor.
Luke Fowler (Glasgow, Scotland 1978) Studies at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. 20+ films since 2001; exhibitions and screenings at White Chapel Gallery, ICA, Tate Modern (London), White Columns and MoMA (New York), Muzeum Sztuki (Łódź), Witte de With (Rotterdam), Courtisane Festival (Ghent), Austrian Film Museum (Vienna), etc. Derek Jarman award winner (2008), shortlisted for the Turner Prize (2012). Lives in Glasgow, Scotland. First appearance at Media City.

Sea of Clouds / 雲海
Artist: George Clark
Country: England / Taiwan
Format: 16mm > digital
Duration: 16 min
Year: 2016
Sea of Clouds / 雲海 reflects on the relationship between images and their possible narration. Filmed on the island of Taiwan, the film is structured around an interview with contemporary artist Chen Chieh-Jen (陳界仁). The film explores the relationship between film, landscape and rural life and the layered histories of these sites as potential places of self-organisation and resistance. Built around the question of translation and the relationship of what we hear to what we see, the film follows Chen’s retelling of the farmer’s tradition of using film screenings as a means of covert political assembly during the Japanese colonial rule of Taiwan.
George Clark (Huddersfield, England 1982) Studies at Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design. Working in film since 2012; exhibitions, screenings and talks at Jihlava Film Festival, Image Forum (Tokyo), Kuanda Museum of Fine Arts (Taipei), Images Festival (Toronto), Light Industry (New York), etc. Curatorial projects include Throwing Shadows: Japanese Expanded Cinema in the time of Pop (2016), and L.A. Rebellion: Creating a New Black Cinema (2015), etc. First appearance at Media City. Lives in London, England.

Łódź Symphony
Artist: Peter Hutton
Country: USA
Format: 16mm
Duration: 20 min
Year: 1993
A portrait of Łódź, Poland that exists in a time warp of sad memory. Hutton creates an empty world evoking the 19th century industrial atmosphere that is populated with the ghosts of Poland’s tragic past.
Peter Hutton (Detroit MI, 1944 – Hudson NY, 2016). Studies at San Francisco Art Institute. 20+ films since 1970; screenings at all major venues for artist’s film worldwide including full retrospective at MoMA (2008), and four editions of Whitney Biennial (New York). Guggenheim Fellow (1989). Fifth appearance at Media City, including retrospective and Grand Prize for World Premiere of At Sea (2006). Greatly missed.

Der Augenblick ist mein (The Moment is Mine)
Artist: Helga Fanderl
Country: France/ Germany
Format: S8mm
Duration: 15 min
Year: 2017
Recent Super 8 films selected for Media City by Helga Fanderl, including a short tribute to Peter Hutton. Der Augenblick ist mein is borrowed from a poem by Andreas Gryphius.
Karussell (Carousel)
Wasserpflanzen (Water Plants)
Blätter auf dem Glasdach (Leaves on a Glass Roof)
Gespiegelt (Mirrored)
Blütenbaum (Blossom Tree)
Imkerschule (Beekeeping School)
Pleinair Fotos (Plein-air Photos)
Mimosen im Wind (Mimosa in the Wind)
Für P. / For P. S8mm>16mm, 2 min, 2017
Helga Fanderl (Ingolstadt, Germany 1947). Studies at the Städelschule (Frankfurt) and Cooper Union (New York). Nearly one thousand S8mm films since 1980s; screenings at Deutsches Filmmuseum (Frankfurt), Austrian Filmmuseum (Vienna), Centre Pompidou (Paris), no.w.here (London), Museum für Moderne Kunst (Frankfurt), Auditorium du Louvre (Paris), etc. Eighth appearance at Media City, including retrospective (2006), and Prize Winner (2009). Lives in Berlin, Germany.

Among The Eucalyptuses
Artist: Robert Beavers
Country: USA/Germany
Format: 16mm
Duration: 4 min
Year: 2017
Late afternoon quiet and a silent figure seated on a bench; the old factories and machinery, warehouses and train lines are part of a Greece, now disappearing.
Robert Beavers (Brookline MA 1949, lives in Europe since 1967). 20+ films since 1966; screenings at all major venues for artist’s film worldwide including EXPRMNTL (Knokke-le-Zoute), the Whitney Museum’s American Century film series, the 2017 Whitney Biennial, and solo presentations at MoMA (New York) and Austrian Film Museum (Vienna). Guggenheim Fellowship (1972), Media City Grand Prize (2014). Founder of The Temenos, an archive and screening series in Zürich and Greece dedicated to the films of Gregory Markopolous. Currently lives in Berlin, Germany.

Four Diamonds
Artist: Ute Aurand
Country: Germany
Format: 16mm
Duration: 4 min
Year: 2016
A group of elderly ladies playing bridge followed by the stormy coast at Cape Cod while listening to Etienne Grenier’s music.
Ute Aurand (Frankfurt a.M., [West] Germany 1957). Studies at Deutschen Film und Fernsehakademie (Berlin). 40+ films since 1980; screenings and exhibitions at Anthology Film Archives (New York), Museum of Modern Art Yokohama, “Forum Expanded” program at Berlinale, etc. Seventh appearance at Media City, Grand Prize (2010). Lives in Berlin, Germany.